Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Italy Part 3: A Day in Aviano

Friday, June 22nd. My day started by going to the bank. Since my ATM card got stuck inside the machine the day prior, and Douglas brought an expired bank card on this trip, I had to write a check to one of the Command members who withdrew money from her account for us. She was a life saver! Apparently the local bank would not cash my personal check unless I was a member there. Finally, we would have cash to spend and to give back to those who helped us out earlier.

Now, allow me to do something different and use my pictures to take you through my day in downtown Aviano.

Stradella Restaurant
The ladies and I drove to downtown Italy around 10:00 a.m. to have some type of breakfast to start the day. Although I knew that American breakfast food would not be served there, I still hoped there would possibly be something I could eat. 

Typical pastry selections found in Italy

Most popular Italian breakfast combo. a cappuccino and a croissant.

Rayma with her pastrami sandwich

Lots of gelato to choose from

I chose vanilla, my favorite flavor. Never thought I'd be eating ice cream for breakfast. Only in Italy!

First phone booth I'd seen in years! It was actually clean in there too.

Side street off main road in Aviano

After finishing our food we went to a highly recommended nail salon downtown. None of us had professional nail care since we left the states.

Nail Salon. The representative at our hotel front desk said this place was good because two of us could get our nails done at the same time.

There must have been some sort of mix up. This couldn't be the, oh so, popular nail salon. There was only 1 chair! And the foot bin looked like something I would put together at home.

It also didn't help that my pedicure was poorly done. I could have done a better job with my tools and Sally Hansen quick dry polish. On the bright side, at least the foot massage was something to rave about.

Casablanca Restaurant - We ate here for lunch after leaving the nail salon.

Nice bottles of water presented with a bowl of ice. Now that's different from what I'm accustomed to seeing.

A must at all Italian Restaurants - plenty of bread!

I guess this is one way to present condiments that are in them in a glass!
My lunch. Grilled chicken breast topped with parmesan cheese and a side of roasted potatoes. Delicious! Had there been a gluten-free pasta option I would have been all over it!

Later that afternoon, Rayma and I went to the commissary to do a little grocery shopping. We planned to purchase a decent amount of food that wasn’t available in our countries. We sure would eat well over the next couple months. I brought my cold bag with me and a few ice packs to store inside. Best idea ever!

I loaded up on turkey bacon, turkey sausage, a few packs of pork bacon and sausage, and several blocks of cheese.

In the evening we went to dinner at a tucked away restaurant in the mountains. This picture was taken around 8:30 p.m.

Outdoor seating at the restaurant. Again, it was around 8:30 p.m when this picture was taken. Still light out!
Le Masiere Restaurant

Beautiful decor inside
Yes, those are wine taps!

Now that's a glass of wine!
Lamp chops with grilled asparagus wrapped in bacon. It definitely was as good as it looks!

Steak and oven roasted potatoes. Apparently, this is a popular way to cook potatoes in Italy.

After dinner everyone decided to have a shot of Limoncello, which is Italy's famous lemon liqueur. I opted to not have any, but thanks to one of our friends at the table, a shot was ordered specifically for me.
Who says you can only do this move at your wedding? Although, I'm pretty sure it was done a lot smoother on our special day.

Need I remind everyone that I do not drink. After taking many baby sips, I finally decided to take an adult gulp.

Okay, so the gulp was a bad idea. I immediately grabbed the first water bottle (which was meant for the table) I could get my hands on and took it to the head. That drink opened up my lungs, my heart...heck, I think every organ in my body felt a burning sensation. This would be why I don't drink.

Sorbeto Al Limone, which consist of lemon sorbet, vodka, and Italian prosecco. I requested the non-alcoholic version.  I took a big sip through the straw and my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. The waiter had given me the vodka filled glass.
Several drinks later, everyone noticed the group of runners that strolled into the restaurant. It was 10:30 p.m.! Italians eat very late. It's no wonder they don't eat breakfast. I wouldn't either if my last meal was consumed after 11:00 p.m.

We had a fantastic evening! I probably lost a good 5 lbs that night simply from laughing!

Exiting the restaurant. I look a little tipsy in this photo. It must have been from those sips of alcohol. :)
One more day to go. Tomorrow Douglas and I get to experience Venice together. Can't wait!

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