Friday, July 19, 2013

Good-bye Algiers

Where did the past 16 months go? In February 2012, Douglas and I received the news that we were assigned to Algiers, Algeria in northern Africa. Everyone we told immediately recognized that it was a hardship post. I was excited and a bit nervous at the same time. I decided to call my good friend to vent but she didn’t answer. I then went to relieve some stress at the gym. Minutes into the workout my phone rang and it was her. I immediately got off the treadmill, walked outside to my car, sat down and bawled out crying on the phone. My optimistic view on the move was growing weary. I was so uncertain about the unknown. In that moment I didn’t know if I could handle all that Algiers would give me. But after that release and an uplifting talk I dried my eyes, wiped my nose, and put my game face back on. I let go of my fears and embraced the unknown. 16 months later, if I could talk to myself back then, I would say, “What is all the fuss about? You’re going to have an adventure!” And that it has been.

The level to which Douglas and I have enjoyed ourselves in Algiers is immeasurable. We have found delight in dining out at some delicious restaurants featuring cuisine from Algeria, Italy, Turkey, and India. We have had so much fun doing simple things, such as playing together in the house like teenagers, creating date nights, or exercising together around the compound. It has been wonderful to watch our marriage grow through every fun encounter and challenging experience. For the strengthened relationship I have with my husband; Algiers, I thank you.

Douglas and I have loved the community trips taken throughout the country helping to expand our knowledge of history and customs in Algeria. We have learned that The Casbah is not just the focus of a song, all of Africa is not scorching hot or swarming with bugs, and although Algiers is considered a danger post, we never felt endangered while here. For the education received; Algiers, I thank you.

We have also had a blast doing bigger things like traveling throughout Europe. I may have envisioned the simple ways to enjoy life with my husband before getting married, but never in my wildest dreams did I picture us visiting other countries together. In addition to Algeria we’ve lived it up in Aviano, Venice, Barcelona, Madrid, Frankfurt, and Lisbon. We’ve created adventures to last a lifetime and this is only the first half of our three year tour. For all these adventures in country and across the miles; Algiers, I thank you.

During our preparation in moving to Algiers, I expected to meet new people and build new friendships (which I have done), but I never anticipated walking away with another best friend. There is a woman here who has been by my side to share both the good and bad days; she has enhanced my life through her encouraging words, positive outlook on life, jovial spirit and down-to-earth personality. Her friendship has brought me enormous comfort. I thought at my age there was no such thing as making new best friends, but she has proven me wrong. For my new friend; Algiers, I thank you.

Before moving to Algiers I could cook several basic meals, but since being here I have learned to prepare foods that I never thought I had the ability to make. I even created my own turkey sausage recipe among other things. I hosted my first Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner and prepared countless meals for large groups. I’m even a good baker! I no longer have a desire to use box mixes for cakes and cookies or store bought icing because I can do it all from scratch! For my new culinary skills; Algiers, I thank you.

I decided to start a blog once I arrived. I was going to share my experiences with friends and family so they too could experience life overseas vicariously through me. However, I never expected to use my blog to share such detailed stories of my experiences. And I surely didn’t expect my blog to have such a large following of people either. It has been especially nice to see the impact my writing has on others as well. I thought I would have approximately 18 entries when I left Algiers; one for each month. This final entry will make fifty. For my new avenue of sharing information and positively influencing others through blogging; Algiers, I thank you.

To thrive in Algiers and learn the hidden lessons in each experience we had to put aside everything we knew as “normal.” We had to embrace a different lifestyle, and we especially had to check any possible negative or complaining attitudes at the airport. This allowed our experience to not only be enjoyable and enlightening, but life-changing as well.

I do not need confirmation from anyone else to know that I am leaving Algiers a different woman from when I arrived. I have rewritten my view on life and I am sure there are more rewrites to come. I have developed a new definition for the word hardship. I have rediscovered a new type of confidence from within that was previously hidden under comfort zones and safety nets. I have learned the difference between struggling due to lack of ability and opportunity versus struggling due to lack of initiative and effort. I have realized that just because an item is not sold in the store, does not mean the same product cannot be created at home. That statement goes deeper than groceries. I have embraced the fact that I am a tough cookie who will not crumble after life takes a few bites. I have begun to unveil one of my many purposes in life which is to positively impact the outlook others have on their own lives. I will remain forever grateful to the lessons and opportunities this country has given me. Because of you, Algiers, I am a better me.  For that I graciously thank you.

Merci Beaucoup! Au revoir, Alger!

The Blue Heart Journey isn’t over yet. Next stop….Vietnam. See you all there!


  1. With Jesus, ALL things are possible !! I know that the both of you know and love Jesus Christ and that he is with you all, where ever the journey takes you. Keep Christ with you and the adventures will be not only peaceful, but a grand adventure. I love you guys and are praying always for you both. Much love, Spank aka Darlyne :-)

    1. We love you as well! Thanks for your continuous support!

  2. Ahhhh, I'm so excited for you both! I can't wait to learn so much more thru your writings in Vietnam. Not only about the country, but about you as well. Who would have known that a list of things to purchase in bulk from the commissary would turn into so much more!! Lol

    1. We just never know where our journey will take us. I'm so glad you have enjoyed traveling along with me thus far. Thanks gyrl! :)
