Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Temples of Angkor: Part 3 of 3

The hardest thing to do when touring the many different Wats is to keep yourself from getting “templed-out.” We tried to do other activities in between each day of touring. However, Douglas caught a bad stomach bug early on in our trip which caused us to rearrange our tour dates. It always seems one of us gets sick on every trip. We’re thankful that at least we have not been sick at the same time…knocking on wood now! We ended up doing our temple tours on back to back days which brought us very close to being templed-out. It helped that we did not spend any one entire day doing tours. It was all morning, all afternoon, or a little of both. By the third day though, all the temples were beginning to blend together. I started to take on the attitude of after you've seen one wat, you’ve seen them all. But in some way each temple had its own uniqueness; every temple told a different story. Our temple touring experience was like nothing we had done before, and we would not hesitate to do it again. 

Bayon Temple


Preah Khan

Baphoun Temple

A television taping occurred while we were present

Banteay Samre

Banteay Srei Temple

 Ta Prohm

The man in the orange shirt requested a picture with Douglas. Then the man in the white ran up there to request a picture as well....the color of our skin automatically gives us celebrity status!

A lady beside me said, "Is he someone special?"

No, we did not need any of these trinkets, but it was nearly impossible to say 'No' to the kids...

As soon as Douglas pulled out his wallet several other kids came running over to sell their goods. The look on Douglas' face is hilarious! I think they emptied his wallet!



  1. These temples are amazing and your pictures are breath taking! Gosh, I would love to visit them

    1. Thanks, Toya! I hope you do get to visit them one day. Glad you are enjoying the pics too!
